Don’t stay in the dark! Light up your Home
We offer dedicated electricity with minimal downtime
for a fixed amount and a one time connection fee
that is payable within 6 months.
Our clients are:
Households Hospitals
Schools Factories
Churches Businesses

“I am happy because I now have a continuous supply of power at a minimal cost and I do not suffer from power outages,” said Muriu, adding that the project has changed the face of Kiahiti village. He plans to start supplying the extra power generated from the hydro project to his immediate community.”
– (People Daily, Nov 29 2016)
Why Choose us? Take control of your cost!

Fixed monthly payment. This means there is no unexpected bill at the end of the month. This ensures proper planning both at the household and business level.
Lipa polepole option: make a deposit fee for connection and do flexible payment for the balance in instalments over 6 months period.
Appliance leasing: Clients can be offered appliances that enable them to make productive use of energy and make a deposit fee then do flexible instalments over 6 months period after successful connection fee repayment.

Local and sustainable
Electricity made in Muranga using the water flow of River Gondo.
Made by a local Murang’a entrepreneur - John Magiro
We use the most natural and sustainable way to create electricity: through running water. This method of generating electricity is environmentally friendly.

Currently Magiro Power has 2 power plants that are backup to one another with a third one planned before June: Gitugu and Kahinduini.
Minimal downtime: Magiro power has made significant effort to upgrade its network. This guarantees minimal downtime (little or no power blackouts).
Magiro power is generated from water(hydro) which is always flowing. This ensures that there is a constant supply of power since the water is always flowing.

Magiro Hydro Electricity Limited
P.O. Box 306-00502
Nairobi, Kenya
contact @ magiropower.com
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